Friday, January 22, 2010

* orignially posted 1/5/10 on another blog

Another thing I started this year (2009) was doing some kitchen gifts. I got an amazing recipe for spaghetti sauce from a freind. After eating about half dozen of her jars of sauce I thought it best that I just ask for the recipe and attempt to make my own.
I planted tomatoes last summer and none of them ripened. Oh well, better luck next year. Since I didn’t have my own to work with I bought the 10 lbs of roma tomatoes and set out making the worlds best spaghetti sauce. YUM! it turned out amazing and I’ve been giving it as gifts this holiday season.

I also found a recipe for jalapeno jelly. I remember in high school my step Mom used to have this on hand and it was pretty darn good. I jumped into making this for gifts too and low and behold…it turned out great! I’ve now had to make two batches because it was so well received that I gave away my whole first batch.

The final holiday kitchen gift was something that I grew up calling “Smuckers Mustard”. Long story behind the name, but it’s homemade mustard from a woman who used to live in Hood River. My step-Mom had the recipe and sent it to me. It’s better than I remember and now Mark may never buy store bought mustard again.

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