Friday, January 22, 2010

* originally posted 1/3/10 on another blog

Some days I hate my computer and others days I feel like a genius. Today is a smart day!
1. I figured out how to upload a youtube video. I've done it before, but this time there were a couple more hurdles. Here is the general process. Open windows movie maker and add your still pictures to a collection folder. Drag the selected pictures to the storyboard below. You can add subtitles to the pictures or add new pages with titles on them. All of this has been easy so far. Then it comes to adding video...also not too hard. Find your video clip in your "my video" folder and drag and drop. The hard part is the music. Apparently all iPod songs (all songs in general) are now mp4 formats. WMM only accepts mp3. DARN. I went out and found (for $35) a converter program called TuneClone Works pretty cool. Create a new play list on itunes of the music you want to convert, burn the play list to the tune clone CD, and the program converts it to an mp3 on the cd and you can upload it to your wmm video. Sounds complicated, but if I can figure it out...anyone can. :-)
So, my newest youtube can be seen at I'm very proud of it.
Computer success #2 today. Skype! I got a small computer camera for my Mom and I so we can Skype. She's never heard of Skype and to be honest, I didn't have any experience either. My Aunt wanted to get involved too because her laptop has a built in camera. So...Mom and I went on the adventure together and now we're Skyping...and so is Dana. I called her and got her all signed up too. We're so 2010!

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